Een uurtje geleden kreeg ik een mailtje met mogelijheid om te registreren voor de Windows 2012 Server MCSE Beta Exams.
zie hieronder inhoud van de mail. :
Register for Windows Server 2012 MCSE Beta Exams!
These 4 beta exams map to the two Windows Server 2012 MCSE tracks:
MCSE: Server Infrastructure
- Beta exam – 71-413: Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure
- Beta exam – 71-414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure
MCSE: Desktop Infrastructure
- Beta exam – 71-415: Implementing a Desktop Infrastructure
- Beta exam – 71-416: Implementing Desktop Application Environments
You are eligible to register for these beta exams. You were specifically chosen to receive this notification because of your Microsoft Learning SME Profile, a previous participation with Microsoft Learning, or participation in another Microsoft program. If you pass a beta exam, the exam credit will be added to your transcript and you will not need to take the exam in its released form. The 71-xxx identifier is used for registering for beta versions of MCP exams, when the exam is released in its final form the 70-xxx identifier is used for registration.
This opportunity may also be offered to the general public several days after registration begins. However, please do not post the beta code publicly. If you do post the beta promotion code publicly, you will be excluded from future beta notifications.
If you would like the opportunity to be included in more exam beta promotions, or participate in the creation of exams and other learning products, we encourage you to create a Microsoft Learning SME Profile:
By participating in beta exams, you have the opportunity to provide the Microsoft Certification program with feedback about exam content, which is integral to development of exams in their released version. We depend on the contributions of experienced IT professionals and developers as we continually improve exam content and maintain the value of Microsoft certifications.
71-413, Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure
71-414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure
Count as credit towards the following certification(s): MCSE: Server Infrastructure
71-415: Implementing a Desktop Infrastructure
71-416: Implementing Desktop Application Environments
Count as credit towards the following certification(s): MCSE: Desktop Infrastructure
Het was ondertussen weer een jaartje geleden sinds ik een uitnodiging kreeg en aangezien de plaatsen met deze ‘promtion code’, waardoor je het examen gratis kan doen, zijn heel gegeerd en beperkt. ook moet ik het beta examen gaan afleggen tussen 6 en 20 augustus.
ik heb volgende examens op de planning staan voor maandag 20 augustus.
- Beta exam – 71-413: Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure 09u00
- Beta exam – 71-414: Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure 12u00